Wilmer y Maria Salsa cuban workshop. Hot Winter in Siberia. Salsa en pareja

Salsa con la musica en vivo: Wilmer y Maria videos: Wilmer y Maria. Workshop Salsa Casino at Hot Winter in Siberia. Salsa cubana by Wilmer & Maria, Cuba. Salsa timba cubana style by Wilmer Salsa. Son cubano, salsa casino, guaguanco, rumba cubana - mix of salsa. Salsa routine. Salsa partner dancing, salsa en pareja. Hot Winter in Siberia - social dance festival in Russia since 2008 by Hot Winter production and Andrey Korzun. For more information: Festival’s producer: Andrey Korzun hot winter production Hot Winter in Siberia is the biggest Festival of Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, Zouk, Hustle, West-Coast Swing and Argentine Tango in Russia! Best Line-up of Artists from all over the world! More than 300 hours of workshops! 7 Crazy Parties! Amazing Dance Show Production! Bootcam
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