Gurdjieff in Armenia Documentary Film

A documentary on George Gurdjieff with Armenian sub-titles. Contains original and rare footage of the Gurdjieff movements and music from the 1920’s and covers the basis of his teaching in his own words. Gurdjieff’s father was Greek and his mother Armenian. He was born and raised in Gyumri (formerly known as Alexandropol) in Armenia. The film was made by Jean-Claude Lubtchansky, a close associate of Madame de Salzmann, with the support of the Gurdjieff Institute in France and is best viewed in full screen on a television or laptop. Osho described Gurdjieff as one of the most significant spiritual masters of this era and indeed this is a film well worth watching. Gurdjieff’s teaching is fully described in the book called “In Search of the Miraculous“ which can be read at Your comments are welcome. We live on a wonderful and possibly unique planet in the universe and can only be grateful for every second of life that is granted to us.
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