Martha the Monster | Amazing Puppet Animated Short Film | Short of the Week

In a world where humans live alongside monsters, Martha finds herself stuck with a major identity crisis. Starring big names Rose Byrne and Bobby Canavale, Australian director Christopher Weekes has translated his industry VFX experience into a short unlike anything we’ve seen before. From a jokey premise (what if you remade GIRLS using an aged-up monster character from SESAME STREET) comes this artful film of surprising pathos, which touches on themes of discrimination and self-respect. Utilizing traditional puppet techniques with state-of-the-art facial capture technology, this film is a winning combination of craft and storytelling. A selection of Short of the Week, the web’s leading curators of quality short films: SUBMIT A FILM: FULL REVIEW: MARTHA THE MONSTER A See Pictures Production In Association with Goodman Brothers Productions & Casp Productions. Prod
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