The BEST Terraria Mod you HAVEN’T played | Wayfair
A more relaxed / laid back video this time around. Hope it’s not too boring!
- and wow, what an awesome little mod. Will definitely keep a watchful eye over this one!
🟣 Used Music (in order):
🎵 “Moon Requiem“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Daybreak“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Scope Creep“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Glacier“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Calm Night“ - Salvati
🎵 “Manaflora“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Overgrowth“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Gelatine Groove!!“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Bad Bird Rag“ - Donkey Kong Country OST
🎵 “Bonus Intro“ - Donkey Kong Country OST
🎵 “Iris“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Clock Tower“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Cerebrum“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Killer“ - Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure OST
🎵 “Galactic Calling“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Hex Skull“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “Sweltering Sun“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “BilbyMart“ - ENNWAY
🎵 “If I were to“ - Cloudboy
#terraria #gaming