Tool - Vicarious (Bass Cover) (Play Along Tabs In Video)

BECOME A PATRON TO GET SONGS/TABS: WEBPAGE: BUY TAB PLAYER (GO PLAYALONG): BUY TAB EDITOR (GUITAR PRO): #ae157 TIP JAR: TWITCH: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: T-SHIRT/MUG/STICKER: Tips And Comments: - Playing Technique: Played between pickups with differents dynamics throughout the song (try listening to the band and choosing the right dynamics). Used a pick. All knobs at full - Gear Sound: For the whole song i used a cab emulator with high and low end activated, added treble, bass, middle at 5 or a little more. High gain and a layer of overdrive (just a little) behind. For the intro i added an octaver with the high octave a little lower,
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