“ARMA 4“ NEW Screenshots/ARMA Reforger Trademark Filling! — ARMA 4

Dying Light 2 info Preorder: Check out 75% off Dying Light 1 Platinum: Thanks to Techland for sponsoring the video! #ad Ceb Cin’s Enfusion/ARMA 4 video: CallMehTOMMEH’s ARMA 4 video: Yes, I realize that this isn’t necessarily “ARMA 4“, but people don’t ask me for updates on ARMA Reforger, because no one knows what it is! Either way, it seems like Bohemia, after missing several communicated deadlines, are very likely to share something pretty important about their future in 2021: the Enfusion engine and what they plan on releasing first on it. This is all speculation, I could be completely wrong, but clearly Bohemia are doing SOMETHING, and have been for a while.
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