Hans Zimmer - Equation (Feat. Camille)
The Little Prince OST
minus 2 times minus 3 6Y you
end up with 5 x plus 3Y times
2XXY rewrite equation 1
Have I made you cross
Have I made you sad
Have I made you proud
Will I ever know how white is the snow
Does it matter after all
Will I ever learn how to
fly like birds
may be
In an hour
In a day
In a week
In thousand weeks
In a year
In million years
Are you going to school
Are you far from home
Are you well alone
Will I be a brave
Will I be a bright
Will I be the good grown up
(Please give me email or message on youtube, if you are the creator of this song and want it to be removed. Then I’ll delete it in an instant.)