Все мужчины хотят этот рецепт: кунжут, изюм, чиа и тыквенные семечки

Worldwide Wanted Recipe - Sesame, Raisins, Chia, & Pumpkin Seeds Discover the ultimate worldwide wanted recipe using sesame, raisins, chia, and pumpkin seeds in this mouth-watering and nutritious YouTube video. Join us as we explore the combination of these delicious ingredients and learn how to create a one-of-a-kind dish that is sure to impress your friends and family. Don’t miss out on this unique and flavorful culinary experience! Ingredients Rations Pumpkin Seeds - 2 tablespoons Chia seeds - 1 tablespoons Sesame Seeds - 3 tablespoons Raisins 2 tablespoons Prepare 250mls of Hot water and soak these ingredients for 30 minutes. Grind together- and filter the juice Drink 250mls twice daily for two weeks. Music provided by
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