Sixty Pound - Leave my kitten alone

On August 14, 1964, during the recording sessions for Beatles for Sale, The Beatles recorded five takes of “Leave My Kitten Alone“, adding overdubs to the last take. The song was never mixed and was not included on Beatles for Sale. Take 5 was marked as the best take (only takes 4 and 5 exist, 4 being a false start). The song was remixed in 1982 by the late John Barrett in preparation for The Beatles at Abbey Road, a video presentation shown as part of a public tour of the Abbey Road Studios the following year.(RM ’82). The song was again remixed in 1984 by Geoff Emerick in preparation for inclusion on the unreleased Sessions project (RM/RS ’84).[6] In 1994 George Martin remixed the song yet again, this time for the Anthology project (RM/RS ’94); it finally saw official release on the project’s first volume the following year.
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