Stiles & Lydia | “I left. I left because of a dream.“

Watch in HD headphones, please. | [ ENGLISH subtitles: available ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I left. I left because of a dream.“ banshees don’t scream. they wail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TW movie [spoilers!] i’m absolutely heartbroken. i can’t believe that after all these years of us waiting for them to become an endgame we’re going through this again. i refuse to believe this. it was really difficult to watch lydia’s suffering in this movie and none of this makes sense to me. to me Stiles had stayed with the kids and they’re still happily married. the end. feel free to let me know your own throughts about this movie and all of this in the comments, let’s suffer together xoxo, anne. update: dedication to @KingSatan & @alvxprodz because they tormented me for it. oh and they handled my breakdowns with the p
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