Nameless Mist - Lifeless (full album, 2023)

I am very proud to present an advance stream of Nameless Mist’s new full length album, Lifeless, ahead of its release this Friday through Fólkvangr Records. Trans anarchist depressive suicidal black metal from Raleigh, NC, this album is anything but what its’ title suggests, following in the footsteps of the two previous albums, leaving fiercely assertive footsteps in the gently lain snow and shimmering ice crystals; melting paths with the burning fires of self-actualisation and rebirth from flame. In fact, ‘Nameless Mist II’ may well be my favourite album of 2022, would I ever get around to organising my thoughts on it – Queen of Shadows sounds like a black metal version of Death in Vegas’ Aisha, so it must be. Musically, the project’s progenitor, Lauren Straily delivers exceptionally sharp buzzing blackened trance, and where the self-titled and II albums kept sleek sinuously undulating profiles, with Lifeless she has aged the riffs, and whole production style, with layers of gnarled bark,
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