MATEUS ASATO Lesson Pentatonic Runs Quick Guitar Tricks

MATEUS ASATO Lesson Pentatonic Runs Quick Guitar Tricks! In this advance guitar tutorail (or advanced intermediate- if you’re not too bothered about getting it up at super shred speeds) explains Mateus Asato’s pentonic shred runs. All the licks are based around the idea of 2 note per string runs; which if you’ve not done before can be a bit tricky to get to grips with! Being a 5 minute guitar tutorial, it’s a pretty speedy one too :D In this free guitar lesson with tab, you’ll hopefully get a better idea of how to sound like Mateus Asato and also, find suitable ways of integrating this idea into your playing and improvising, so it’s not just and “in the style“ of sort of thing; having a bit more of a practical application to your guitar playing! I’ve snuck in some other ideas work really well with this, namely Eric Jonshton’s pentatonic runs; in groups of 5, 6 or 7. What other ideas work well with it, or else where can you use it? Let me know
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