NO LYRICS: Yehuda Green - The Berditchever Nigun יהודה גרין - ניגון ברדיצ’ב

Audio Source: Land of Your Soul CD - by the Baal Tefillah, R´ Yehuda Green, of the Carlebach Shul chevra * A rendition in Reb Shlomo Carlebach’s style of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s nigun *    THE OFFICIAL WEBSEITE OF YEHUDA GREEN “Shlomo´s music will play until Mashiach comes!“ Yehuda Green: “People comment that I sing the Berditchever niggun at a different pace then he (Reb Shlomo Carlebach) sang it. What shall I do? That is how it appears to me! There is also a clear Breslov influence on my music; its who I am. He encouraged us to be individuals, right? The Rebbe, Reb Nachman, said that his fire will burn until Mashiach comes. I say that Shlomo´s music will play until Mashiach comes!&quo
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