The Hook No One Can Block Explained - Boxing Breakdown

Oscar Valdez has one of the most incredible hook punches ever seen in the ring. Amongst his many accolades, including championships in two weight classes, I would still place the cultivation of this one specific punch as his greatest achievement. The sheer craftsmanship is stunning, and in combination with more advanced tactics, it led to one of the and most skillful knockouts ever captured on film. But even putting tactics and aesthetics aside, there is a major contradiction behind Valdez’s signature attack. A question just screaming for someone a little too obsessed with all forms of arts to answer. And that is, how can such a seemingly wild, winding punch consistently sneak into the smallest cracks between his opponents guard. How does he do everything possible to get immense power but still enjoy the precision? Over and over, Valdez throws wild haymakers that split the opponent’s guard, where his opponent would expect to be targeted by a straight punch. This actually comes down to two factors working together, the range that Valdez keeps and the angle of his lead foot and shoulder upon impact. Skill Building E Books: Skill Building Paperback: Mortal Weapons Series Discord (Server TMMA): #Boxing #oscarvaldez #BoxingExplained #BoxingTactics #BoxingTechniques #BoxingBreakdown #ModernMartialArtist #MartialArts #FightBreakdown #FightExplained #BoutExplained #TechniqueBreakdown #vs #MuhammadAli #MikeTyson #MannyPacquiao #howtobox #learnboxing #howtobox #boxingbasics #boxingtactics #boxingskills #boxingtricks #boxingfootwork
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