This is a sequel to You Always! I wasn’t gonna do it at first but did it anyways.
Klaus is trying to get back the coffins Stefan stole from him. Bonnie’s looking for her mom because she thinks she can help her open the last waits for Stefan at the Witch House so they can go over plans about the coffins. When Stefan gets there he can tell somethings wrong. Elena and Alaric tell Damon about Stefan and Bonnie. Klaus wants to know what Bonnie is hiding and go’s to the Salvatore boarding house were he finds out Damon and Bonnie have a daughter. Caroline and Tyler are watching Emily but they don’t hear him come in the house. He takes Emily. Elena and Damon save Stefan but Bonnie isn’t there. Her mom has her, she needs Bonnie’s help because one of Klaus’s hybrids compelled Jamie shoot himself if Bonnie fails to tell them of the location of the coffins. Stefan and Elena are safe and he tells her “everything is gonna be okay.“ Bonni