As soon as I heard about the Aviarios Del Caribe sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica I knew it would be perfect for the Cute Show. It’s the world’s only sloth orphanage, home to over a hundred very sleepy urchins whose lives have been saved by legendary sloth whisperer Judy Arroyo. Sloths are fantastically weird animals, the junkies of the jungle who seem to spend their lives either nodding off or scratching and occasionally eating a bean or two before drifting back to what looks like a blissful sleep. The babies are especially helpless and comical and I fell in love with them immediately. So I cut a few choice clips together to show my old colleague VBS UK producer Vida Toombs and Cute Show creator Amy Kellner and posted the video on my Vimeo page. To my surprise the clip went viral and was watched by a million people in a week. Clearly I was not alone in thinking that these animals had super squee powers. So here is my Cute Show about the sloths, the perfect prelude to a sneaky daytime n
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