[WR] 🔥 Thermite Behemoth VS Murometz (w/ Kisten & Bulava) – Comparison | War Robots
Hello to every fellow commander and thanks for tuning in!
In this video I will be presenting a preview firepower comparison between Thermite Behemoth and Kisten Bulava Murometz. Hope you enjoy!
Video Chapters
00:00 Intro & Comparison details
01:26 Behemoth VS Murometz
04:46 End results: Graphical data
05:18 Before Gameplay
05:32 Game 1: Rome
13:43 Game 2: Abyss
18:33 Outro
Kisten: This titan’s rocket-type weapon developed especially for beta slots. It shoots a volley of deadly rockets 2 times in a row.
Ammo: 18 rockets (9 rockets per shot)
Reload time: 10 sec
Dps: 19800
Range: 500 m
Bulava: This titan’s rocket-type weapon developed especially for alpha slots. It shoots a volley of deadly rockets 2 times in a row.
Ammo: 24 rockets (12 rockets per shot)
Reload time: 10 sec
Dps: 26400
АОЕ: 2,5 m
Range: 500 m
Test Server links
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