Internationalists in Rojava martyred by Turkish State

Robin Agiri was martyered by a Turkish airstrike on November 29th 2016 while fighting against Daesh (ISIS) in Manbic. Zana Ciwan was martyred by a Turkish airstrike on November 29th 2016 while fighting against Daesh (ISIS) in Manbic. Kendal Breizh was martyred while defending the people of Afrin from Turkish forces on February 10th 2018. Baran Galicia was martyred while defending the people of Afrin from Turkish Forces on February 10th 2018. Sahin Hosseini was martyred while defending the people of Afrin from Turkish forces on February 24th 2018. Helin Qerecox was martyred by a turkish missile while protecting the people of Afrin on March 15th 2018. Andok Cotkar was martyred by a Turkish air raid while defending the people of Serekaniye on October 16th 2019. The Fascist Turkish State continues waging low intensity war against the democratic project in Rojava. Their forces frequently kill civilians with drone strikes and artillery in an attempt to subjugate the people. While it’s important to underst
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