“You stole everything from us“ a renowned writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, wants the west to account

A renowned writer and activist, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, has charged European powers to banish the ghost of their infamous colonial past and return the arts (artifacts), especially spiritual objects, stolen from Africa, Asia, and Latin America still in their possession…She sent the strong message to the European governments in a thought-provoking speech that has left social media vibrating, which was delivered at the opening of the Humboldt Forum in Berlin, Germany, last week…Her speech was not only met with enthusiastic applause by the audience in Berlin but is also resonating across the world as one of her ’best speeches, yet!’…The Humboldt Forum is a state-of-the-art museum complex that features collections of African, Asian, and other non-European art in a partial replica of a Prussian palace that was demolished by East Germany’s communist government after the World War II.
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