CHRIS BAY feat. Sonja Höllering “Silent Cry“ (2018)

Taken from his current solo album “Chasing The Sun“ - out now! Order Link: Video created by Franz Höllering CHRIS BAY live 2018 special guest for AXEL RUDI PELL . CZ-Prag - Palac Akropolis . CZ-Zlin - Masters Of Rock Cafe . HU-Budapest - Barba Negra Music Club . SK-Zvolen - Music Garden . AT-Vienna - Szene . DE-Langen - Neue Stadthalle Chris Bay solo . ES-Madrid - The Cavern . ES-Zaragoza - Pub Utopia . ES-Pamplona - Hard Bar Krawill . ES-Burgos - Jarra ’N’ Heavy special guest for POWER QUEST . UK-Milton Keynes - The Craufurd Arms . UK-Bridgend - Tobos . UK-London - Underworld Chris Bay solo . DE-Mannheim - Kolbenhalle (with Geoff Tate) More infos at:
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