50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God

Speakers in order of appearance: 1. Lawrence Krauss, World-Renowned Physicist 2. Robert Coleman Richardson, Nobel Laureate in Physics 3. Richard Feynman, World-Renowned Physicist, Nobel Laureate in Physics 4. Simon Blackburn, Cambridge Professor of Philosophy 5. Colin Blakemore, World-Renowned Oxford Professor of Neuroscience 6. Steven Pinker, World-Renowned Harvard Professor of Psychology 7. Alan Guth, World-Renowned MIT Professor of Physics 8. Noam Chomsky, World-Renowned MIT Professor of Linguistics 9. Nicolaas Bloembergen, Nobel Laureate in Physics 10. Peter Atkins, World-Renowned Oxford Professor of Chemistry 11. Oliver Sacks, World-Renowned Neurologist, Columbia University 12. Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal 13. Sir John Gurdon, Pioneering Developmental Biologist, Cambridge 14. Sir Bertrand Russell, World-Renowned Philosopher, Nobel Laureate 15. Stephen Hawking, World-Renowned Cambridge Theoretical Physicist 16. Riccardo Giacconi, Nobel Laureate in
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