Vampire Journals Unreleased Score - The Piano Piece

The beautiful piano piece by Richard Kosinski performed by Kirsten Cerre which is part of the soundtrack/score for the great movie Vampire Journals. The soundtrack was never released but the music is still here in some shape or another. However, getting this music is another story... I’m currently working on that and even though it kills me to say it I’m making no promises that I can get the entire thing... I will do my very best though. Until then you can enjoy this track for the time being and the three others also on youtube. Disclaimer I do in no way lay claim to this music nor the picture displayed in the video. It serves only as a mean of entertainment purposes. Composer: Richard Kosinski The rights of the music belong to their respective owners. ((Even though they would’ve been more respectable had they released the soundtrack 16 years ago... just saying...))
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