IL TURCO of Moena: How an Ottoman Janissary Became an Italian Legend

Dive into the extraordinary tale of Hasan, an elite Ottoman Janissary, whose fate took an unexpected turn during the siege of Vienna in 1683. Wounded and lost, Hasan finds sanctuary in the small Italian village of Moena, where he is embraced by the compassionate villagers. This video uncovers how Hasan, leveraging his remarkable military skills and linguistic prowess, transforms from a formidable soldier of the Ottoman Empire to a cherished hero in Italy, teaching the villagers to stand up against oppression. Witness the incredible journey of cultural fusion, bravery, and resistance that left ...a lasting legacy, celebrated annually in Moena through “La Turchina“ festival. Source: Website: Donate: Agency: for the lates update follow us ( instagram) https:/
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