Attack on Titan 「Great Escape」 FULL (HD) with Japanese and English Subtitles

Lyrics by Mishima Souhei. Composed by cinema staff. Arranged by cinema staff and Kameda Seiji. Performed by cinema staff. I DON’T OWN ANYTHING!! Please purchase the series on DVD/Bluray to support it: Part 1: Part 2: Lryics are listed under ’CC’. Click CC and go to video settings to change the language if needed. 2/3/2016: Comments are now enabled. Please do not post any spoilers. Believe it or not, it took me a long time to put this together. Sorry if the video is a little off timing at the beginning. I added this because the full version wasn’t already on YouTube. I also wanted animation all the way through. Romaji lyrics from: If you notice any mistakes in the romaji lyrics, please let me know. English translation from: which is based off of:
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