The New Big Three (1945)

Full title reads: “THE NEW BIG THREE“. Berlin. New Britain’s Prime Minister Clement Attlee alighting from plane - he is arriving for the Big Three meeting in Berlin. New Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin alighting from plane. Bevin with Major General L. O. Lyne, Commander 7th Armoured Division. Close up shot of Mr Attlee. Attlee entering the Cecilienhof Palace. Long shot of the conference table with men standing around it. Ernest Bevin seated at table, Attlee behind him. Mr Attlee, American President Harry Truman and Soviet leader Joseph Visarionovich Stalin grouped at the table. Plymouth. King George VI, standing on deck of HMS ’Renown’ alone with three naval guns in background. American president Truman boarding the “Renown“ from a barge. Truman with the King shaking hands and inspecting Guard of Honour. King George, President Truman, American Secretary of State James Byrnes and Admiral Leahy. Closer shot of King talking to Truman and Byrnes. Close up shot of Truman and King shaking hands. Several s
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