High school boy practice seriously with Aikido Master

The video has English subtitles. Please use the subtitle function of Youtube. Amazing! High school girl does Aikido self-defense techniques Shirakawa Ryuji shihan - aikikai 6th dan ◆Instagram: ◆Facebook : ◇Amazing Aikido ◇Aikido×MMA ◇Amazing Aikido self-defense VOD Now on SALE!! ◆Ryuji Shirakawa Beautiful and Amazing Aikido【 Volume 2】 【English subtitles】 【French subtitles】 ◆Ryuji Shirakawa Beautiful and Amazing Aikido 【Volume 1】 【English subtitles】 【French subtitles】 For you who want to learn a strong but beautiful martial art. For you who want to explore how to move and execute techniques with a supple body. The first DVD of Ryuji Shirakawa, a popular aikido instructor wit
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