Spy Radio: Antenna Considerations

00:00 - Introduction and History 04:33 - Stay Behind Forces 09:28 - Concerns for the Prepared Citizen 16:06 - Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) 21:29 - End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) Antennas 26:21 - Loaded Coil Antenna Systems 32:38 - Magnetic Loop (Magloop) Antennas 35:15 - Antenna Tuners 48:38 - My Personal Setup 01:02:52 - Closing Thoughts Disclaimer: No company sponsored this video. In fact, we have no sponsors. We are funded 100% by you, the viewer. All of the equipment and materials used in this video were purchased by us with our own personal funds. As such, we have no financial incentive to recommend certain brands or products, and none of the companies mentioned in this video were given prior notice that we would be featuring their products. We are happy to help companies develop better products, but we must maintain neutrality in order to ensure the longevity of this content. Specific gear comes and goes, but doctrine lasts a lifetime. We take this unique approach to
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