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Hey... I’m sad today.... So I’m bullied on Discord and these ppl in the toxic server were harrasing me and bullying me FOR NO REASON... AND ACCUSING THAT I DID SOMETHING.... I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING... HOW DID I DO SOMETHING!?! :( I’M NOT A BAD PERSON AT ALL.... I’m still deppresed... And I’m a horrible person... :( Plz help me... @itz_quackYT @hachi_cartoon_girl8679 @FrankieSonic20 @YourStrongBadandHomestarsimp @lizavrill2884 @jeremiahm242 @Furbiest2008 @francescathemaidenwitchyem5273 @smurfettecute and other people... I WAS ALSO CRYING BECAUSE THEY CELEBRATED ME WHEN I WAS GONE... AND BANNED FROM THAT SERVER..... THIS IS WHY I HATE MY LIFE.... I DIDN’T DESERVE THIS..... :( (Sorry for being angry) I’M NOT LAUGHING... No hate comments, rude or negative comments NOT TO MENTION THAT THEY CELEBRATED WHEN I’M BANNED ON THAT SERVER... My discord: MegumiTheAngel#5427
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