AINA - DELINNE (Official music video)

Listen track here: The Evenki people are an indigenous group residing in the northern regions of Siberia, primarily within the territory of Russia. They are one of the native peoples of Siberia and possess a rich culture and of the main activities of the Evenki people is hunting and herding. They are skilled hunters and live in harmony with nature. Evenki primarily hunt for moose, reindeer, sable, and other animals. They employ traditional hunting methods such as traps, nets, and bows with arrows. Hunting for the Evenki is not only a source of food and clothing but also an important part of their culture, passed down from generation to generation. The traditional dwelling of the Evenki people is called a chum. A chum is a conical tent made of poles and covered with animal skins. Inside the chum, there is a hearth that serves for cooking and heating. Chums are easily dismantled and transported, allowing the Evenki to be mobile and follow the herds of
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