Camille Saint-Seans 6 Etudes pour la Main Gauche, 6 Etudes for the Left Hand Op 135
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Camille Saint-Seans 6 Etudes pour la Main Gauche, 6 Etudes for the Left Hand Op 135
Andrew Remillard Pianist
Prelude 0:00
Fugue 2:50
Moto Perpetuo 4:47
Bouree 6:46
Elegie 10:40
Gigue 16:28
This is a set of 6 Etudes written very late in Saint-Seans’ life, yet they have a joyful exuberance to them.
The set is modeled after a Baroque dance suite. It opens with a Prelude which serves as both a technical and music warm up. It is followed by a Fuge written in two voices.
The third movement is marked: Moto Perpetuo which written entirely without any simultaneous notes.
The fourth movement is a Bouree.
The fifth movement is an Elegie, the only movement type not found in baroque dance suites.
The last movement is a Gigue which marks the end of many baroque dance suites.
This is a unique work in the genre of one handed piano music in that Saint-Seans doesn’t spend much time imitating two hands. Much of the music sounds very clearly for one hand.