The Man Who Cooled the World | Willis Carrier’s Air Conditioner
People have been trying to find a way to stay cool for all of recorded history from those in ancient egypt soaking reeds to hang in their windows effectively cooling the air as it blew in, to ancient Romans learning to circulate water through the walls of their homes using aqueduct-like pipes, reserved for many of the wealthiest citizens, though one emperor, Elagabalus ordered snow and ice to be delivered from nearby mountains to be brought home on the backs of donkeys so that he could stay cool during the summer. This was extremely inefficient and out of the equation for all but the most powerful. People needed a way to stay cool, and a solution wouldn’t come until 1902 when the first electrified air conditioning unit was installed, though not to cool its building. Air conditioning would go on to transform humanity, giving us the summer blockbuster at movie theaters, computers, and allowing us to expand into climates once thought unlivable.
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