How to Make Diet With buckwheat

How to make diet with buckwheat Diet on buckwheat and kefir helps not only to improve health, but also without much difficulty and fasting to lose a few pounds of excess weight. From the name of the diet it is already clear that its main ingredients are buckwheat and kefir. This combination is not accidental. Buckwheat is the most useful cereal among all cereal products, it has many proteins and few carbohydrates. Kefir - the most useful of all sour-milk products, it improves digestion, stimulates the liver and helps to eliminate toxins. The diet is designed for one to two weeks. Then for a month they take a break and the diet can be repeated again. The porridge for the diet is prepared according to a special recipe. Croup is covered with boiling water, when it dries, lightly fry in a pan. Then pour boiling water and wrap a pan with porridge. You can brew buckwheat in a food thermos. Cook in the usual way porridge is not recommended - it will lose some of the nutrients. There is such porridge it is possible in unlimited quantity and necessarily to wash down with kefir. Add salt and sugar, oil can not, in exceptional cases porridge can be slightly salted and spiced with spices. Kefir is better to drink for half an hour before a meal or half an hour after a meal. The last meal (cereal) should be planned so that it is 4-5 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of yogurt. Diet on buckwheat and kefir will suit those who love these two products. If any of them is not included in the list of favorite dishes, it is better to choose another diet for weight loss.
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