Alina is a five years old girl, whose mother has gone down with a terrible illness. The girl’s father decides that Alina should live with his sister to avoid exposing the girl to her mother’s suffering. Irma - Alina’s aunt - has three children. Two of them are the same age as Alina. Living in Irma’s house proves to be quite a challenge for the little girl. For a city child it is hard to get used to living in the country. But, eventually , she finds her place and is accepted. However, dreams of coming home and her mother’s wellbeing never leave her head. One morning, in spring, her father comes back. But not to take her home. He brings the news of her mother passing away, he says that he is seeing another woman and can’t take Alina home right now. Very early in her life, Alina is betrayed by those she trusted the most and finds a new family.
У пятилетней Алины тяжело заболела мама. Отец девочки решает отвезти Алину к своей сестре, чтобы та не видела материнских страданий. У Ирмы – те
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5 months ago 00:55:14 1
Проникновение иудейщины в силовые структуры (Л. Ивашов)