Codecademy - Python: Tutorial #3

Enroll for coding exercises, projects, tutorials, and courses... ?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=yt-description Python Book Recommendation: I have used this book to learn almost all my basics in computer science and this book happens to use the Python programming language which is simply an added bonus due to the simplicity of the Python programming language! This is part 3 of the Codecademy Python Walkthrough Tutorial. This video covers conditional statement syntax, boolean algebra, control flow, functions, if elif else statements, and much more! =========================== ABOUT CODECADEMY SERIES ========================= This is meant to guide you through the codecademy python part and it also to help you get a much better understa ... #CleverProgrammer #python #python2 #programming #coding #cleverprogrammer #codecademy #tutorial #walkthrough #part3 20160825 957sccX2HGA
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