Mourning on the “Street of Happy People“ - residents of Derbent continue to bring flowers to the city monument to the friendship

Mourning on the “Street of Happy People“ - residents of Derbent continue to bring flowers to the city monument to the friendship of three religions “He was the same for us as for his own. He never missed any celebration. He was always with us. We never had Jewish or Muslim or Christian celebrations, it was always a common celebration for us. He was a respected person for us. [So you knew him personally?] Of course, we knew him personally. We went to these celebrations. We congratulated him. Even when we didn’t have much, he said, “you don’t need anything. Bring flowers or buy a candle“. He was such a noble person. For us, it’s a big grief, for our city, for the people, probably. For the people.” - Resident said about Father Nikolai. Source: Russian Head
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