REPLICANT DREAMS | BladeRunner Blues | 2+ Hours | #asmr #sleep #study #rain #relax #ai #pikalabs

Immerse yourself in a seamless blend of iconic noir aesthetics and futuristic wonders as we continue to explore the saga left off by the Bladerunner saga. Watch as familiar characters navigate the complex web of moral dilemmas, identity, and technology in a world where lines between humanity and artificial intelligence blur. AI scenes made with #midjourney and #pikalabs help us question the... did Roy survive? Were there other Rachel versions? Is Deckard a Replicant? Watch as the scenery changes and amazing Bladeruner character likenesses are captured using Midjourney and Pika Labs. This is a fan creation for entertainment only. This is made as a fun, alternate universe look at the wonderful universe of Bladerunner. All images #ai art via #midjourney and #pikalabs ; video re-mixed with proper licensing ——————————————————————————— Get Blade Runner Blues by Vangelis and over 1M mainstream tracks here License ID: XapKQ8ywO5V ————————————————————
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