ALTAIDELICA ep 1: Dobrunya 🏔️

our journey to Altai starts with Dobrunya Satin 🎸🌜💜🏔️🐴 MITYA searching for sound (season 2, ep 1) watch season 1 (Эчпочфанк) - Dobrunya - Kostya - director - Salavat Yuzeev creative producer - Samat Yuzeev executive producer - Marina Galitskaya DOP - Dmitriy Lyapahin sound recording - Ereldey Beshtinov subtitles & translation - Ekaterina Krupina art-director - Liya Safina editing - Mitya Burmistrov спасибо за одежду спасибо за аренду аппаратуры огромное спасибо за помощь проекту PRE-SAVE new single “Only Nothing is Changing“, out June 23 - stream “Ordinary Man“ - debut album out this fall. follow MITYA: literally all links - inst - tiktok - @mityamusic vk - fb - telegram - twitch - support and get bonus material, jams and videos: patreon - boosty - поддержать проект донатом - side-projects: Чёрный Государь - Acid Minerale - MITYA label - love 💜 mitya
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