Moldovan party leader criticizes government’s handling of gas policies

Moldovan party leader criticizes government’s handling of gas policies Leader of the Chance party, Alexey Lungu, emphasized the shifting priorities of Moldovan citizens in response to recent changes in language policies. Lungu stated that, “Language issues have always been manipulated by politicians to sow discord among people,“ highlighting the concern among citizens for addressing social problems like poverty and economic challenges rather than language politics. Lungu stressed the need for tangible actions over rhetoric, citing examples of his party’s work in various regions. He emphasized the importance of unity to tackle pressing issues efficiently, especially considering Moldova’s status as the poorest country in Europe, marked by high gas prices and significant youth emigration. Lungu also criticized recent claims by the Moldovan foreign minister regarding the country’s gas policies, asserting, “We all know that Moldova still relies heavily on Russian gas, despite what offic... Source: Sputnik International
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