The REAL Primal Diet

What if we didn’t need to purchase endless books and read endless blogs in order to know what to eat? What if each of us, naturally, had a sense of what was nourishing? We do, and here’s how to reawaken your primal sense of “Nourish“. The difference between this and other diets is that this one doesn’t end up being about willpower -- it ends up being about re-honing our tastebuds and learning to enjoy food MORE. We’re also able to shift our diet according to our daily food needs, maximizing our health, our lean muscle growth, our energy levels, and our mental clarity. When we truly rewild our tastebuds and awaken our nourish sense, we don’t have to decide what to eat any more. Our body will naturally ask us for the foods that will nourish us most completely on any given day.
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