10 Rock ’n’ Roll Songs with Just 4 Chords! - A Rockin’ Medley - Jez Quayle

Well, the title says it all I guess. I hope you enjoy this rockin’ medley! If you like to learn the strumming patterns I use when playing open chord rock and roll like this, have a look at my Tutorial #5: Here’s a link to a playlist containing other rock and roll guitar tutorials I’ve created that you may find useful: If you’d like to buy a copy of my new chord songbook ’50 from the Fifties’, which contains 50 classic rock ’n’ roll and rockabilly songs that can be played with just 4 easy open chords, then search for ’Jez Quayle Rock and Roll Songbook’ on Amazon. If Amazon says ’out of stock’, or you’d prefer not to use Amazon, you can also purchase the songbook from . If you live in the UK follow this Amazon link: =sr_1_1?crid=1XFATRSKG882J&keywords=50 from the fifties Jez Quayle&qid=1642006368&s=books&sprefix=50 from the
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