Robert Kirkman Interviews Frank Miller About His Career, From Batman to Hollywood

If you’re a comic book fan, you know Frank Miller’s name. Over the course of his decades-spanning career, Miller’s work on Daredevil, Elektra, Batman (especially The Dark Knight Returns), Wolverine, Sin City, 300, and too many other things to mention here have influenced countless people around the world and brought in tons of new readers to the medium. In addition, it wasn’t just Miller’s hard-boiled storytelling that inspired readers, he’s also a brilliant artist and inker whose unique style has helped bring mainstream acclaim to comic books. You really can’t overestimate Miller’s influence on comic books. As the co-creator and writer of The Walking Dead, Invincible, Outcast, and Oblivion Song, Robert Kirkman has had a terrific run thus far. Not only did his fantastic Invincible animated series just premiere on Amazon Prime Video, for over ten years, AMC’s The Walking Dead has been one of the highest-rated shows on television, and the enormously popular series has launched a few spinoffs (Fear th
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