День Победы (Victory Day) - Soviet March about Victory Day - Victory Day Special

(Active the subtitles to see lyrics in Russian romanization or the translation to Portuguese or English) The Victory Day holiday (9th May) was created to celebrate the unconditional surrender of Nazi German to URSS on the night of 8th May (it was already after midnight in the Soviet Union). In other countries in Europe (and in USA, and Brazil) this holiday is celebrated on 8th May. The music День Победы was composed in 1975 by the poet Vladimir Kharitonov (who had fought in the Battle of Berlin) and the melody was composed by David Tukhmanov. They composed the song for a competition made by the Soviet government to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the URSS victory in WW2. The jury at the time doesn’t like the music because the lyrics appeared to them lightsome and frivolous, while the melody was alleged to abuse the “rhythms of tango and foxtrot“, two “bourgeois“ dances which had been banned in the Soviet Union. But the singer Lev Leshchenko liked the music and decided t
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