SONY VLOG CHALLENGE: Videographer + Choir Singer + Samara, Russia

I, 37 years old in perfect health, began a song of myself: “hello, Sony!“ I said “Sony“ cause I filmed this with my Sony. This’s been a #sonyvlogchallenge @vlogcamerabysony , the topic was “Who are you? What are you? Where are you?“ so I supposed to tell of my passion and my occupation and my residency and of interference of these things. I haven’t figured out which language I was supposed to use, so I spoke English And I told you everything: 5:08 first of all I said that filming is my life and that I am my camera though it’s really more than this. 6:30 And of “Cinema plumage“ I told - my cinema courses 7:34 And of my long filming “Corner at Pooh’s house“ 45:34 And of filming Nika’s “Green her eyes“ - how I copied a shot from “Scenes of the marriage“ in it 50:17 I told of freedom that Sony cameras give to me, when I attempt to make my camera sing with my hands untied with cinematic cliches I learnt from old movies Really I told a lot on my attempts to be free and on my everyday gratitude to be so free at my age As the summer was a good swim into universal love 31:08, I showed some stunning moments of summer, our island 47:00 and dacha 26:30 life 37:37 I showed a moment of this spring too, though it was such a sad thing I told some about my beautiful air head life in our beautiful universal city, but I want nothing but to leave it all some time forever 1:15:37 And in the end I had some Whitman to read #miralpha #a6600 #sonyalpha #sonyphotorussia
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