Capitol Update - One fence is replaced & a Biden motorcade drives by a protest. Plus some spy stuff.

Today started with a run up to the US Capitol where I discovered that the giant fence along 3rd Street NW was removed in the middle of the night. This was the fence where they took off the razor wire the other day. It’s been replaced with a new fence, of course, because you know, we can’t have nice things just yet. Afterwards I took a hike over to the Smithsonian Castle and then into the Spy Museum’s gift shop, because I didn’t have time or a ticket to go inside. We followed that with a hike over to a protest and then President Biden’s motorcade decided to drive past. I took a video in 4k but it was a bit distant, so I magnified it and showed you a second version right afterwards. Then it was burgers and Vietnamese, but you don’t get to see that.
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