☆ Susamaru Cosplay Makeup Tutorial Demon Slayer 鬼滅の刃 ☆

💗 Wig: 💗 Similiar contact lenses’: 🎁 Use code PIXEL to get 20% discount! With this cosplay makeup, you can make yourself look just like the demon Susumaru from the anime Kimetso no Jaiba! ☆ Products ☆ 💗 Similiar circle lenses’ ► 💗 False Eye Lashes’ ► Concealer 1’ ► Eyetape ► Eyeshadow 1’ ► Eyeshadow 2’ ► Eyeliner’ ► Mascara’ ► Foundation’ ► Concealer 2’ ► Blusher’ ► Powder’ ► Contour Palette’ ► Highlight’ ► Lipstick 1’ ► Lipstick 2’ ► ♥ Support me! ♥ Support me on Patreon and get signed cosplay prints (international shipping!) ►
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