Insecurity in Nigeria: Assessing The Rising Cases of Organised Crime

Some key factors contributing to the rising cases of organised crime and insecurity in Nigeria include: Boko Haram Insurgency: The extremist group Boko Haram has been active in northeastern Nigeria, aiming to establish an Islamic state. The conflict has resulted in widespread violence, displacement, and a humanitarian crisis. Fulani Herdsmen Conflict: Tensions between herders and farmers, often exacerbated by ethnic and religious factors, have led to conflicts in various parts of the country. These clashes have resulted in significant losses of lives and property. Kidnappings for Ransom: Kidnappings for ransom have become a prevalent form of organised crime. Criminal groups often target individuals, including schoolchildren, demanding ransom payments for their release. Criminal Gangs: There are criminal organisations involved in activities such as robbery, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. These groups operate in different regions, contributing to the overall insecurity. Corruption: Corruption within security forces and government institutions has been identified as a significant factor in the persistence of organised crime. This undermines efforts to address security challenges effectively. Unemployment and Poverty: High levels of unemployment and poverty contribute to the recruitment of individuals by criminal organisations. Economic challenges create an environment conducive to criminal activity. Weak Law Enforcement: The capacity of law enforcement agencies to address organised crime has been a concern. Inadequate training, resources, and corruption within the police force hinder their effectiveness in combating criminal activities. Ethnic and Religious Tensions: Nigeria is ethnically and religiously diverse, and tensions along these lines can contribute to insecurity. Disputes often escalate into violence, further exacerbating the overall security situation. Addressing the rising cases of organised crime in Nigeria requires a comprehensive approach, including improvements in law enforcement capacity, addressing root causes such as poverty and unemployment, and promoting social cohesion. International cooperation and support may also play a crucial role in combating transnational criminal activities Insecurity in Nigeria: Assessing The Rising Cases of Organised Crime | 04-1-2024 | Breakfast Central Host: Olive Emodi,Osarogie Ogbonmwan Guest: Seyi Adetayo, Security and Intelligence Expert Follow News Central on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more content, go to: #NewsCentral #AfricaFirst #Africa #News #Politics #insecurity #crime
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