罕见的习近平:看到穷苦农民揪心哽咽,赠送贫困大爷军大衣,几乎走遍中国所有贫困村/Rare Xi Jinping: visited almost all poor villages in China

自从当选总书记以来,习近平总书记顶风雪、冒酷暑、踏泥泞,翻山越岭、跋山涉水,几乎走访了中国所有的贫困村。他惦记最深的是困难群众。每次调研,从收入情况到日常花销,从看病就医到吃穿住用,习近平总书记总是问得很细、聊得很深。小康路上,一个都不能少。一个个贫困村里,都留下了习近平总书记的扶贫足迹。 Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has braved the wind and snow, braved the sweltering heat, walked in the mud, trekked mountains and rivers, traveled to 14 concentrated contiguous areas of extreme poverty across the country, and successively went to 24 impoverished villages for research and guidance. What he cares most about is the needy people. Every survey, from income to daily expenses, from medical treatment to food, clothing and housing, General Secretary Xi Jinping always asked detailed questions and talked deeply. On the road to a well-off life, one cannot be missing. 罕见的习近平:看到穷苦农民揪心哽咽,赠送贫困大爷军大衣,几乎走遍中国所有贫困村/Rare Xi Jinping: visited almost all poor villages in China
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