Moranbong「牡丹峰」重唱組 - 十月です 10 월입니다 It is October (with Unhasu Orchestra and Samjiyon Band)

Text: 정영호 (Jong Yong Ho) Music: 리종오 (Ri Jong O) 1995 [club41847327|*Orchestra]: Unhasu Orchestra Samjiyon Band [id237371|*Conductor]: 리명일 (Ri Myong Il) [id124|*Female] Chorus (Moranbong): 김옥주 (Kim Ok Ju) 김성심 (Kim Song Sim) 한설향 (Han Sol Hyang) 리옥화 (Ri Ok Hwa) 2 Others Concert: 조선로동당창건 64돐에 즈음하여 진행한 은하수관현악단, 만수대예술단, 삼지연악단의 합동경축공연《10월음악회》 朝鮮労働党創建64周年に際して行われた、銀河水管弦楽団、万寿台芸術団、三池淵楽団合同慶祝公演《十月音楽会》 A joint performance given by the Unhasu Orchestra, the Mansudae Art Troupe and the Samjiyon Band on the occasion of the 64th birthday of the WPK Place: 만수대예술극장 / 万寿台芸術劇場 / Mansudae Art Theatre... () *Korean, English, and Japanese subtitles. [club714|*English] subtitles are provided by Moranbong Band HD. *ソヌ・ヒャンヒを探せ! 모란봉 牡丹峰 은하수관현악단 銀河水管弦楽団 만수대예술단 万寿台芸術団 삼지연악단 三池淵楽団
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