Strange Fire | Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart | Sunday Morning Service

Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart reads Leviticus 10:1-3 teaching on how we are to approach God in our lives. Aaron’s sons brought strange fire to the Altar of Incense, and God struck them dead. The altar of incense is a type of the intercessory work of Jesus Christ who died for the sins of all mankind. Adding a wrong fire source is the same as believers today looking for victory in their lives through any other way besides the finished work of Calvary. The aroma of the incense filled the Holy Place, just as the presence of God flows in a believer’s life, like a sweet aroma. Brother Swaggart encourages us that we can have victory over sin in our lives here on earth, and have the assurance of perfection in heaven all because of the work of Christ and that alone. Any other way of man is in God’s eyes, a strange fire and it must die. The Cross must not be compromised.
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