Sexy unique oriental belly dance - Goddes Ishtar - Hanna Amira Abdi

Thank you for watching! Please Subscribe to the our channel! Don’t forget to Subscribe to Instagram amiraabdi_orientaldance. This dance illustrates ancient women’s erotic dances prformed in the Temples of the Goddess Ishtar (Inanna) of Summar and Phoenicia The music was specially composed for Amira Abdi by Ariana music Co. Choreography by Amira Abdi Amira Abdi is a professional oriental dancer, teacher, director and producer of dance shows. She is the founder of the first and the biggest oriental dance school in Kiev. New style of belly dance Amira Abdi created her own unique style of oriental dance - called Belly dance Aesthetics which she sucsessfully teaches to her students during 12 years. This style is based on deep analyse of different styles of oriental dance (Turkish, Lebanese, Egyptian etc.), classical ballet and silk road dances
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